Il caso come problema ontologico negli scritti e nella musica di Iannis Xenakis
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The aim of this article is to outline some traits of Iannis Xenakis’ aesthetics, with reference to his conception of chance, which stands in contrast to both determinism in serial music and the theorists of alea. His elaboration of a stochastic music is here understood not as a mere evolution of compositional techniques, but as evidence of a philosophical necessity, considering chance an ontological problem and resulting in a rejection of the hyper-specialization of the different branches of knowledge. Through a look at his theoretical works, some of his references to pre-Socratic philosophy, but also to Plato and to Husserl’s phenomenology are discussed, and a possible interpretation of his non-positivistic cosmo-ontology through the idea of Wittgenstein’s isomorphism is suggested.

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